Blog: Dog and Cat

Weight Management

Carrying a few extra pounds can mean big problems for your pet, including an increased risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and painful joints. Our staff will assess your pet’s weight and fitness so we can develop a realistic weight loss program to help your pet reach an achievable target...

Veterinary Exam

Pets should have at least one annual health check. For older animals, we recommend check-ups every six months. Pets taking medication for an extended period of time or with specific illnesses may require checkups every three months. To schedule your pet’s next health check, please contact us at 416-775-0101.

Vaccinations for Puppies and Dogs

Getting a new puppy or dog can be an exciting and confusing time. There’s a long list of things you need to do to make sure they’re well taken care of, including vaccination. By trusting us to create your pet’s vaccination plan, they will be protected against a range of...

Vaccinations for Kittens and Cats

We perform a complete examination on all of our patients before vaccination. Since vaccinations have side effects, an examination helps us ensure your pet is healthy before receiving them. Each vaccination plan is created with your pet’s specific needs in mind since no two pets are exactly alike. If you’re...